Lyrikk-stafetten LYRIKK:"PALTE.N En Lyrisk s.tafett J' de11tJe lyriske etten vit vint k,all.eger 1k_al Jd.-surmiitJgei·, um.e,-og as,0:11,uft,m:r ru11dt ei dilt/ som har b1:tydd rwe for df:m, emm i arbeid.t dle1· i livet ellers, Dert .fOm ,k_riw,•filr i appdrag il mfo,·d,,c er, etteifølgcr, Si'ik k_"11 mririge ftoll.1afilartl.-.drting 1il d )'tre Jeg i ly,,_·kk.· spalt.rr. Velf.r.omme1. og lyk_ke til.' Tone Skjerwm Hvc;m har ikke, tn.i gfød og ritusia m1:, ka tcT seg over et problem rom ikke et lilOC prubli:ui? H,1ilkcn le. hm ikke h .not på vidow1 i fur øk p i o1forbcdJre" 1mturens orden? Le bare lwo1d,m tkt gikk d;1 det1 lille sy sm•er-mu. ,,ar •• uhd.di ; bli for:styrrt:c i in d ilige d • le i blon1stcdxdi::t a elil. Te. kjeftig, forbipassere11dc doktorl Dikt ter ktev ·tav ·. A. Milnc, be ln; kjem Stim for attcren .n Ole Brnm-1,i rorieru:. I-·fon gam co s.amlingcr metl 1i11L1si.k, I ki:: O)l 1norsorn1m; ver fo:r b:irn "\.\fhen w re vcr)' .r i,1ngoo og" mv we ;He .i "· [ ene er hent fr, Jen forstc, som kom ut i 1924, The Dormouse and the Doctor 11tet'e 011ce runsa Dorm.Q1Meti!hO liitM i,, ti IN!J Thi! D.rx-1·01· romt: row;J a,rd examined l11s dieI, .Ofde-lpniniums (b/r,e) ,md ,:cnmilitn-(red), A"J or,il'red him 1'\lourimmmt, "fo11ics tmd Rett. And lill t:luulay kmg hål a wtmd.-1fiil view «l-low t1C1 1 effe,'tiæ, .. hr wid, as he ,hook Of g nmium, fred) 11,td dc/phi11i11ms (blue-). Titt' 1h·.r-m1eter, .. all th,:;rC" ch, •stmter11mn,. tooJrJ » A D mcraime hm-rying romul, mrd ht! nid: Tlir Dormouu: 111mf!d 011er 10 .ut mit the ,ight ., Tut-till I am iorty 10 jfod }'OU in bed, Of il1·e tmdtm d1rymnr1:mr,m» (.t/0111 ar1tl wl1i1.e) . }1,st say " i,u.1y.riirJe" whit.-I look tilyrm,· .h.t .... ., f/,;m, i ,uel)·, . he tlwught. .u, he back_ fo " het/ 'r Di.m 'i you jirul that c:l1r;1sar:temr1111$ (llJ wn· 1h.-b.t?,. Of dclpl1i11iums (btuf:) anti .1-umums fr,·d). The Dmmor,.k lrm{11d mund ,u the-vie.11 tmd replieJ T-Jie Doaor !flid • Tzit! lt's t11wtht'r attack" ( 'Jun. hc"d saiJ .. · ir1ety•nine-.) that bt!'d trihi and he'd tt.d. A11J ordered him Milk and Massage-0/-thc•bad{_, Ami th.t! mw.t a,,suæri,1g· things tfutr he knew 1foti Freedtmi-from-u:orryarul Dril!t!s-in-a-.m. Wf:"r " ft"ranittms (red) ,mJ drlphirrimns (blue). ttd,m.rm11reil, ,, How sweet · '0111" d1ry.a1,Jle,n11m, ure!. 1'he-Doaor sr()Q(/ frow11ing and slia.;ng hit hmd, The lJornw.tis.c lay thcrt' tuith his paws to his i!}'., Arid took up hiJ shiny s:i/k hat Il!ht said; A11J imagi,ie-J himsc-lf suc/1 a pl.;a"l' mrp,·i. e: . Whtu the }Wtiml rr:quin5 chat1ge, " t11Jd he t11r.-nr «J"U prctcnd rlic chryMntcm,mJS. wm ta a kJ To su: som.-chrymm,·mum 1unple fo .h >f dclpltiliiurns (hlut"} a,uf gmt11ii1ms (,·ed){• TJ:e Dormorii(' lay tlu.r.-, a,td he guud lttt'lw ttiew Tlt11 Doewr m:xt mommg W-(11 ruhbi11g hi.s lumds. Of geroni11ms ( red) ami ddphiriirmu ( bh,c) And sa yiug, .. Therå nobtJ.dy q1,it1a utid. l"!lllIJds A ,ui h1a k;rm11 tne. w4, r,othing he w,mted imtead Tne:te t;tliC,> IIS / Jof Tir .m;-l,m hq;11n! Of delphinhims (bfor) llllflgenmiums (red). H.ow fres/i the d1ryss111um111rm lool{ it, ih1: .mr The 1or arme b.z,k ami, Jo mo,1.nvhot he m&mt, The Dr.,1mo,tse /aj• IMpf,V, his tff! 111cr. SQ tight Ile l1ud bmu.glt:t somt' dtry;ammmm crmfogs from K('rit. He(X)flld sec ,10diryra,ur:mu,,u:.. lloruor whiu. «.i 0:1"'• h1a 1v:,P111rk_ed, giwa mlK'h b1:ttcr view A11d all tllat !u felt {jf the bad( if hi, head Tlum g1:nmiumt (red) 11nd delpltim'ums (blu.e)." W:err Jdplri11iumt (btut:) a,u! eYllniumi (i,e,J,. li T/J.-y tQOk o,'1-1/i1:ir qx,ties ond 1hrydtig t1p lh1a bed Arid thpt i.; tllr.-rru,Qn (Armt Emily ;aid) Of tlelphilliums (blue} arid ge1YJrtiums (,;c•d), lf o Dlm11ausr: ge.t. in a t;h1·.a11temum ht'd, ,imf t111.,,' plamed d1ry.;ai,t.em1w1s (yellow and wltiU}. tYon n,i/J firul. (so ,1um Emily sny,) that he lir, .And 1;u11w, .. said ti. Doctor, Nt!Jt''lt 5,00nh/Jr1t: you right.• Fast a,l!!. OIJ h1! fumt with his />tltlll to hi! l'J'CS. ooked Out, aruJ lit m,'d witli u 1igli:r1ie Dormo11.,•e l. Vtm1/ig hils.,, Inger ".r"J s,uf,pfJi!! at! these propi,: k_rroM, bcfte'r tlum I. ,rind:iker,m. 6, 2770 J·ueri it tlHlS si/ty, pcriu1ps, but I did lili.,_e ritt 11ii!f Of gmmiums ( mi) mul d..dpkin·iww ( blu.c)." orn urfoul n,r Arme H.n..,·mi i jø.·eg. n
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